Must-know facts about PCB reverse engineering


Are you searching for PCB reverse engineering? Congratulations! You have landed in the perfect place! Shenzhen Orod Technology is the best online destination that offers authentic PCB reverse engineering at a very low price as compared to others.

In this post, we will gain deep wisdom about PCB reverse engineering and its various FAQ’s. We will make your certain queries clear like what are PCB and their using technologies etc. Let’s get started…

What is a PCB reverse engineering?

Ø  PCB reverse engineering means cloning of your microcontroller PCB chip for your documentation and production use. Many individuals do not have their project source code for their microcontroller circuit board product because the documentation was not properly kept and are lost in the transition when their key developer left the company. 

Ø  Shenzhen Orod Technology provides PCB reverse engineering, reverse engineering of electronics design and firmware development services to help you recover and safeguard your product documentation.

Process of PCB Reverse!

The PCB cloning process is not too difficult. The ideology of copying a PCB is to extract out the machine code from the original Microcontroller PCB and write the same codes to a new micro-controller chip. The machine code is also sometimes referred to as the hex code. It is characteristically loaded as a file layout with an extension *.hex. Some detective work is expected especially of Chip’s branding and the part number is not disclosed. Having skill helps speed up detective work.

The first step is to identify the Chip’s manufacturer and the micro-controller part number. Sometimes the production batch or chip’s version number is important too. Software and a programmer are needed to extract out the machine code. The datasheet of the microcontroller can be procured from the chip’s manufacturer.

Ø  Study the chip for its pin out

Ø  Know where the power supply & programming pins are

Ø  Design and construct a circuit for the microcontroller to allow the programmer to interface it to the software on the computer

Want PCB reverse engineering? Visit us or get-in-touch with us now!

